Dividend Stocks

Investing In Stocks For The Sake Of Cash Flow

Small Business Risks

Small businesses are more susceptible and fall prey to more risks than their big cousins. Most people don’t understand the true definition of a small business, unless of course, you have your business intelligence certification. A small business is a business that has fewer than 100 employees. Because of their size small businesses are prone […]

Investing In The Companies That Pay Dividends – A Guide For The Beginners

For all those who are investing for earning income, have numerous options outside bonds and the most traditional are the high-dividend stocks. With the increasing debt obligations within the nation, there are too many people who are looking forward to their investing skills so that they have enough money to make ends meet.  While the […]

How to Get an Emergency Loan for Your Business

Just like you may need to get a loan for personal emergencies, you may need to get an emergency loan for your business. There are many different options for you to receive funds, but some may take longer than other. Also, many loans come with very high interest rates and special terms. It is always […]

Income from Perpetual Dividend Raisers

When you buy a stock in a company, you become a partial owner of its assets and profits. There are certain caveats to being a partial owner through a stock, but in general a stockholder is entitled to a share in the profits of a company. Dividends are one way in which a company management […]

Tech by numbers: how gadget sales have changed over the years

A home without gadgets is just unthinkable in this day and age, especially when there are a whole host if innovative and exciting products on the market. From TV remotes that control both your screen display and the level and base of sound to touchscreen tablets that house just about every application under the sun, […]

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